Fraud Prevention in Oracle ERP Cloud

Identify Segregation of Duties conflicts quickly and easily

Are you confident in your SoD controls…?

Fraud is on the increase. In many cases it goes undetected for months or even years.

Due to the complexities of ERP security and the many ways that users can access applications, it can be very difficult to identify Segregation of Duties conflicts that may leave you exposed to the risk of fraud.

QCloud is a Cloud-based Audit Service which delivers easy, rapid, accurate SoD analysis and reporting, without any demand on your technical team. It pinpoints weaknesses and makes recommendations for improvements.

Ready access to the information you need to prioritize remediation work

Our comprehensive reports identify your SoD conflicts and give you key security metrics, with recommendations for improvement.

Interactive views with drill-down capabilities enable you to investigate the conflict details and historical reports show the progress of your remediation work over time.

The Smart Way to Reduce the Risk of Fraud in Oracle ERP Cloud

Find out how our Cloud-based audit service can help you:
  • A Cloud-based audit service which analyzes your security and Segregation of Duties and delivers results within hours - no technical effort needed.